
Nostalgia Electrics RFH-900 Retro Series Ferris-Wheel Hot-Dog Warmer Review

Nostalgia Electrics RFH-900 Retro Series Ferris-Wheel Hot-Dog Warmer
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I received this hot dog cooker and the baskets that hold the hot dogs keep coming off as the wheel turns. Within 2 weeks the wheel doesn't turn at all so the hot dogs burn. We live in a remote town so it would take be costly to keep sending the machine out to be fixed. This was a total loss of money.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Nostalgia Electrics RFH-900 Retro Series Ferris-Wheel Hot-Dog Warmer

The Retro Series Ferris wheel hot dog warmer is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Designed for easy use, this unit cooks 8 dogs in a stainless steel cradle-type wheel which provides basting action that rolls the hot dogs evenly rotating while cooking. The retro ferris wheel hot dog comes with built-in heated bun warmer. Adjustable heat control.

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Click here for more information about Nostalgia Electrics RFH-900 Retro Series Ferris-Wheel Hot-Dog Warmer

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